Iván Milla Flores
Projects Manager
Iván Milla Flores, Mechatronic Engineer with 3 years of experience in energy sector (hydrocarbons, gas and electricity). In hydrocarbons sector he has collaborated with the technical extraction unit of the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) in simulation projects reservoir with PEMEX exploration and production, designing technic informatics tools for forecasting the behavior of the reservoir. He was member of evaluation team about technic-economic options for reservoir exploitation, designing models PVT (pressure, volume and temperature) y calculate compressibility factors.
In Electric Sector he collaborated with the Spanish company Naturgy, his position was technical energy analyst about wholesale electric market in Mexico, he designed models about the behavior of Locational Marginal Prices (LMP), he also designed data base to storage distribute nodes prices ,ancillary services and monitored National Electric System (SEN). In addition, he was the leader of energy segregation Project with CFE Distribution Northwest, in this project under self-supply modality CCGT Naco-Nogales and Tuxpan supply energy to FRISCO Group´s mines.
In Gas Sector he was responsible about supply gas of four GPG Naturgy México´s Combined Cycle Gas Turbine: Fuerza y Energía de Hermosillo FEH (250 MW), Fuerza y Energía de Tuxpan FET (1150 MW), Fuerza y Energía de Naco Nogales FEN (258 MW) y Fuerza y Energía de Norte Durango FED (450MW), nomination control and natural gas supervision for electric energy generation avoiding generating disbalances in SISTRANGAS.